XCOR Lynx: DIY Aerodynamics

Engineer Mike Valant drives an XCOR wind test truck back and forth on the taxiways of the Mojave Air and Space Port during a test series.

In 2009 XCOR built a highly precise sub-sonic wind tunnel test model of the Lynx. For some preliminary data before actual wind tunnel visits, we ran tests using our ‘DIY truck tunnel’ as shown above. The truck and its fixtures include precisely instrumented appendages, structures and bit of computing and data recording capability. We also used the truck tunnel after the sub-sonic wind tunnel tests to experiment with some additional design features before returning to the real tunnel a second time.

By the way, this is not the first time that this particular technique has been applied in Mojave and “other places” in the Antelope Valley for aerodynamic development. We wish we could say we invented this technique but we did not. It has been used for many years by both neighbors in Mojave and neighbors to the west and south of us.

Stay tuned tomorrow as we answer your questions and update you on where you can find us on the road!


XCOR Lynx: Aerodynamics: Subsonic windtunnel model assembly


From the Bunker: Ray Fitting, Red Team